Bolivian Amazon rainforest, Ukamau forest in Ixiamas
Petroltecnica has started the project to create a protected forest in the Bolivian pampas, near the famous Madidi Park, on a total area of 300 hectares, with an absorbed CO2 equal to 62,021 tCO2/year. The initial objective was to generate carbon credits and, subsequently, to use the planted timber, contributing to the correct maintenance of the forest, economic development and employment in a remote and disadvantaged area of the Bolivian Amazon.
The ultimate goal is to create income for those who work on-site and generate a surplus to invest in social promotion projects through the proceeds of the sale of timber and the breeding of cows. In a first phase, we created a nursery of 100,000 trees of teak (85%), serebo (10%), eucalyptus, mahogany which were planted to expand the forest with native species and with the same seeds generated by the plantation.
At the same time, we have created small plantations of food products: stevia, coffee, grapefruit, corn, pumpkin. Over time, we intend to develop an eco-sustainable tourism project through the construction of low-impact accommodation for the hospitality of international tourists and volunteers.